Monday May 20, 2019
Episode 243 * Disclosure
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
Nate is out of town, so Aaron conscripted one of our favorite buddies Tom Ryan (Ashamed No More) to hang with Kathy Reynolds for part two of the conversation on the practical side of disclosure. Kathy and Tom give some real-world advice and real-life experience on the good, the bad and the ugly...and the beautiful, of disclosure.
Check out the ministry Kathy serves with at: http://www.daringventures.com/
Check out Tom's book Ashamed No More at: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0830837930/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p1_i0
The music between segments was our friend Andy Gullahorn singing his song "Any Other Way" Check it out!
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Episode 242 * Kathy Reynolds
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Today is part one of two conversations with coach Kathy Reynolds, who talks about her own journey of disclosure, loss, and redemption in her marriage. Stay tuned for part two when we get into the nitty gritty of what to do and not to do in the dangerous waters of full disclosure.
As promised...a bit late, below is the poem Singing Warriors by Paige that was read a couple shows back.
Singing Warriors
By Paige
The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you; in His love He will no longer rebuke you,
But will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
We serve a God who is a Warrior who sings.
And, He enables us to be singing warriors.
Just as he fights for us, he has invited us to join Him in the battle.
And, the enemy is not our husbands.
The enemy is the one who has ensnared our husbands.
The one who has deceived them and blinded them.
The one who is out to steal, kill, and destroy.
The one who uses darkness and hiddenness.
Who tempts and then, when the deed is done,
Heaps on shame so that returning to God (and to us) feels unbearable.
So, we find ourselves here in this place.
In this battle that we didn’t see coming.
That we didn’t sign up for.
That has knocked us to the ground.
And often leaves us as a puddle on the floor.
But, again and again we rise up,
Slowly, hesitantly.
Inch by inch rising to take our place as warriors.
To fight against the enemy.
To fight for truth.
To fight for health.
We fight for our husbands.
And, as we do so, we are fighting for our marriages.
For our children.
For future generations.
But, even if the marriage is not restored.
We choose to pray.
We want to see every Christian man (and woman)
Walk free of sexual brokenness.
Welk free of hiddenness.
Walk free of broken vows.
Walk free of regrets.
God also invites us to sing.
To worship Him even as the all-too-familiar tears
Find their paths down our faces once again.
He invites us to cling to His goodness even in the midst of the storm.
He invites us to join Him in the song He sings over our husbands.
The song of redemption.
The song of forgiveness.
The song of resurrection.
The song that calls out the spark that God put inside our men—
That image of God that is there.
That always has the potential to choose…
Hatred of sin,
Coming out of isolation and
Walking in community.
We join this song because of love.
Because even though we have been hurt more than we ever dreamed possible,
We also believe in the man we fell in love with.
We believe that he can be the man He was created to be.
We believe he can walk in honesty.
We believe he can resist temptation.
We believe he can learn to love.
We believe this because he is God’s beloved, too.
We believe this because we know the God of the impossible.
We believe this because we believe in the power of the gospel.
Because we believe in both truth and grace.
However, if the man we love chooses to remain…
Remain in his lies
Remain in the darkness
Remain in his pattern of giving into temptation
Remain in choosing death over life…
We will still know that we have a Singing Warrior
Who delights in us and who saves us.
We know no matter what happens
We are loved by the One who knows us best
By the One who weeps when we weep
And by the One who understands betrayal all too well.
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Episode 241 * Joshua Mast
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Today EMT and firefighter Joshua Mast talks with the lads about brotherhood in the firehouse and how that translates to deeper community for us all. Every man is in a battle, but do we know how to support a brother in the fire?
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Episode 240 * Randall Thomas
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Ever get frustrated with the younger generation and feel like you can't relate? How about you younger folks who think older guys have little or nothing to offer and just want to change you? Well, today's episode is for you. Nate and Aaron sit down and chat with Randall Thomas to get some understanding and hopefully practical tools that will help communities of men find love and authenticity across generational divides.
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Episode 239 * David Cassidy
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Today Nate and Aaron Chat with David Cassidy, Pastor of Christ Community Church in Franklin Tennessee, to chat about his book Indispensable: The Basics of Christian Belief. They discuss the invitation to the common table that binds all Christians of every denomination together.
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Episode 238 * Tony Kriz
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
The boys sit down with author, speaker, and Jesus pursuer Tony Kriz to look for some clarity about finding truth in a world bombarding us with truth tailored to suit our own desires. They also dip into the mailbag and answer a letter about relapses and slips.
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Episode 237 * Tales From Both Sides
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Today Nate & Aaron sit down to hear Bill Garner and Jeff Howard tell their stories from both sides of the addiction journey. Bill and Jeff work to help those struggling with addiction at Harvest Church in Germantown Memphis Tennessee.
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Episode 236 * We All Need a Coach
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Live and in person, Nate and Aaron sit down with Jeremy Slayden to talk about his experiences as a professional baseball player, and how his need for coaching in his athletic career helped him to dive into seeking coaching in recovery.
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Episode 235 * Reconnecting
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Aaron and Nate reconnect after Aaron's big move across the country to Nate's neck of the woods, and Nate leads a mini-meeting with Pirates around the world.
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Episode 234 * Jim Cress
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Welcome to today's amazing episode where Pirate Monks from around the world participate in a mini-meeting and Nate and Aaron converse with counselor and certified sex addiction therapist Jim Cress.
To find out more about what Jim is into and up to head on over to jimcress.com