Wednesday May 17, 2023
367 | Russ Johnson | Rethinking Church
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
On this episode: Nate and Aaron provide updates and ask for help on “the redneck frat house” (The Harbor).
Our Guest: Russ Johnson: former pastor, consultant, podcaster, author, husband, and father. Sharing the good news. If it can be quantified, it can be faked. “You are held by a love that will never let you go!” Allowing those you minister to determine the direction they need to go. The problem is never in the mirror, it's the “thems”.
Contact, Podcast, Call, etc.
If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to piratemonkpodcast@gmail.com.
The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society.
For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com. Support for the women in our lives who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.
The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To enjoy future Pirate Monk podcasts, please consider a contribution to Samson House.
Wednesday May 10, 2023
366 | Paula Jauch | Cross-Addicted: Breaking Free from Trauma and Addiction
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
On this episode: Nate - McCreary’s Pub is stalking him. Aaron - own your own share.
Our Guest: Paula Jauch, speaker, podcaster, trauma overcomer, survivor, author, wife, and mom. Overcoming with 2 addicted parents, eating disorder, addiction, gangs, and more. “Trauma is the greatest mission field of the 21st century, but the most misunderstood.” “Water seeks its own level." "Your picker is broken.”
Links: Website, Contact, Podcast, Book
If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to piratemonkpodcast@gmail.com.
The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society.
For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com. Support for the women in our lives who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.
The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To enjoy future Pirate Monk podcasts, please consider a contribution to Samson House.
Wednesday May 03, 2023
365 | Cathy Loerzel | Trusting in Marriage and Story Work
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
On this episode: Nate and Aaron discuss the first ever event at the Harbor House.
Our Guest: Cathy Loerzel: Co-founder of the Allender Center, author, urban farmer, coach, speaker, wife, mother. “Every single person causes harm, every single person causes delight.” Continue learning despite what degree you do or don’t have. Moving from danger to beauty.
Links: Contact, Coaching, Speaking, etc.
Books: Redeeming Heartache, Brain Talk
If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to piratemonkpodcast@gmail.com.
The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society.
For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com. Support for the women in our lives who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.
The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To enjoy future Pirate Monk podcasts, please consider a contribution to Samson House.
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
364 | John Pulley | Understanding and Preventing Human Trafficking
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
On this episode: Nate and Aaron reach into their sack and pull something out, answering mail.
Our Guest: John Pulley, consultant. Vengeance is easier than grace. “I touched my wiener, so God can no longer love me.” The church has an honesty problem. “How’s your heart doing?” Learning to open up in a safe and healthy environment. There are consequences for your actions, even under grace.
Links: John Pulley
If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to piratemonkpodcast@gmail.com.
The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society.
For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com. Support for the women in our lives who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.
The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To enjoy future Pirate Monk podcasts, please consider a contribution to Samson House.
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
363 | Jarrett Samuels | Developing Friendships
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
On this episode: Nate continues to have low quality internet. Aaron discourages WEeing on each other.
Our Guest: Jarrett Samuels, minister, podcaster, husband, father, friend. What is a man? All men are insecure and emotional. Becoming who God created us to be. Your presence matters. Taking Responsibility. Community not innovation.
Links: Contact, Podcast, Events, Tribe, Etc.
If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to piratemonkpodcast@gmail.com.
The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society.
For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com. Support for the women in our lives who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.
The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To enjoy future Pirate Monk podcasts, please consider a contribution to Samson House.
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
362 | Mo Isom Aiken | Helping Women Realize They Aren’t Alone
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
On this episode: Nate enjoys Amelia Island with his grandkids.
Aaron has an indefinite future.
Our Guest: Mo Isom is an athlete, author, speaker, home coming queen, and LSU grad. She discusses growing up in a home with a sex addict. Childhood exposure to p*rn that started a 10 year addiction. How much can I get away with and not go to hell?. Healthy Sexual Conversation for Women and Families.
Links: Books, contact, speaking, other resources
If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to piratemonkpodcast@gmail.com.
The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society.
For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com. Support for the women in our lives who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.
The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To enjoy future Pirate Monk podcasts, please consider a contribution to Samson House.
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
361 | Jason George | Learning Good, Healthy Pleasure & Replacement in Community
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
On this episode: Nate inquires about Aaron’s home repair updates. Aaron preaches about fake fruit.
Our Guest: Jason George: minister, podcaster, life coach, husband, and dad. Jason shares his story of growing up in a broken family including abuse, being raised by siblings, early p*rn exposure and addiction. He also discusses being kinda Christian. Even believers can fall back into sin. Healing takes community. Learning good healthy pleasure and replacement. It's important to replace, not just stop doing an unhealthy thing. I’m one step away from stupid.
The Griz Podcast, Narrow Trail
If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to piratemonkpodcast@gmail.com.
The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society.
For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com. Support for the women in our lives who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.
The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To enjoy future Pirate Monk podcasts, please consider a contribution to Samson House.
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
360 | Joe Ryan | Having Compassion for Yourself
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
On this episode:
Nate confesses his love for WhataBurger, and Aaron fills his jugs at his neighbors house.
Our Guest: Joe Ryan. Podcaster, coach, Italian and Irish, New Yorker, former bartender and comedian. Sober from drugs and alcohol. Joe hosts a podcast: Its Not You, Its Your Trauma. Owning your actions and apologizing. Having Compassion for yourself.
Joe Ryan: Podcast, Youtube, Instagram, Contact, Coaching
Book: The Body Keeps the Score
If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to piratemonkpodcast@gmail.com.
The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society.
For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com. Support for the women in our lives who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.
The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To enjoy future Pirate Monk podcasts, please consider a contribution to Samson House.
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
359 | Brody Holloway | Shared Experiences Strengthen Relationships
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
On this episode: Aaron is getting his home repaired.
Nate holds Aaron accountable for going to England on The Path Retreat.
Nate invites you to go on the Path Retreat too (deadline for signup Mar 31, 2023).
Our Guest: Brody Holloway, co-founder and lead pastor of Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters in Andrews, NC. Adrenaline and fear break down walls. Shared experiences are critical for leading and investing in others. Sin management versus holiness. To live in Jesus is to live in the purity effect.
Links: Snowbird Outfitters
Book: Life Together by: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to piratemonkpodcast@gmail.com.
The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society.
For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com. Support for the women in our lives who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.
The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To enjoy future Pirate Monk podcasts, please consider a contribution to Samson House.
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
358 | Wendell Moss | Working Through Racial Trauma
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
On this episode: Nate is home, energized, and has internet. Aaron announces all the announcements.
Our Guest: Wendell Moss: therapist, minister, educator, and speaker. There is not always a side to take - just listen. Sometimes the response to abuse is more abusive than the abuse itself. My feast will never fulfill you.
Upcoming Events:
48 hours of Frankness (Illinois), Walking The Path in England (June 11-17, 2023)
Wendell at the Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, Wendell at the Allender Center
If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to piratemonkpodcast@gmail.com.
The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society.
For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com. Support for the women in our lives who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.
The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To enjoy future Pirate Monk podcasts, please consider a contribution to Samson House.